Deliver the best actionable web-based marketing tools. CIOview can help.
Offers multiple custom reports based on your needs, with various types and lengths available. AI simplifies complex topics for different user types. Save your analysis or project to reload and adjust later.
No request is too big or small! Transform your idea into a fully functioning B2B or B2C tool in months or even weeks. Custom UI designs available to match your existing internal or external design language.
Leading market research backed by decades of proprietary historical data. Real-time monitoring of product and price updates available. Product releases and announcements reflected within hours through regular update cycles.
Targeted Deliverables
Seamless CRM integration with customer-specific reports automatically generated from real-time internal data. Custom analysis tools available for generated reports and usage tracking.
Tool ROI
Guaranteed faster time to market with proven ROI results for marketing initiatives, from an established leader in TCO and ROI tools. Unmatched performance and stability from a development platform trusted by Fortune 500 companies for decades.
A proprietary development platform with security in mind. Multiple platfrom image support with available continuous security updates. Easy deployment that can be done in minutes.